Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our rights come from . . . ?

If you believe as our Founding Fathers did, then you know that you are “endowed by your Creator with certain unalienable rights” (Declaration of Independence).

If you believe as those who seek more government, then you believe government grants you whatever rights you have.  To paraphrase Jefferson, “whatever government grants, it can also take away!” 

A personal question you might ask: do I want to be free and independent, relying mostly on myself and working for what I want, or do I want to be taken care of all my life?  Not quite as simple as it sounds.  Let’s examine some details and then you can decide.

In one case you are master of yourself, your soul and your life.  In the other, someone else, someone outside of you and probably someone working in a government office, determines all aspects of your life.  Though it goes by many names, it is generally considered some form of socialism.

The distinction we seek is the dramatic difference between two fundamental approaches to life in general and governments in particular.  One is based on freedom, the other on servitude.  While many people living in a socialist state do not necessarily think of themselves as in a condition of servitude, they are probably ignoring the amount of control their government is exercising over even their daily activities. 

The Founding Fathers fought a revolution to establish freedom of the individual as the basis for creating a new nation.  When writing the Constitution, their words restrict the government to a defined set of powers or activities.  Government encroachment on an individual’s freedom would stifle growth and productivity.  Their knowledge of history and other governments told them that individuals develop their maximum potential when left free to do so.  They recognized that the fall of Rome came about when the nation ceased to be under a rule of law and became a “bread and circus” environment in which the mob of people were dependent on the government for their subsistence.  Society broke down and the empire disintegrated.

If the government controls most of the activity, with half the population dependent on the government, then those who voted for it are receiving what they wanted.  The question is whether they consider themselves genuinely better off.  The lure of “something for nothing” ensnares many and they will continue to pursue it until as Margaret Thatcher explained, “the trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

It was Winston Churchill who said, “the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”

The United States by virtue of its independence and prosperity achieved by the sweat and effort of its citizens has been the most benevolent country in the history of the world.  It has provided more assistance to more people during its history than any other country.  Is it a part of the culture?  Was it taught in our early schools?  Did our forefathers (parents) instill such generosity in their progeny? Perhaps a combination has been the cause.

It would be difficult to name any country that has embraced socialism or government dominance of the country’s economy that has equaled or even come close to providing such assistance.  And, to top it off, the US has done it without expecting something in return.  Perhaps that is because the average American believes the words of the Declaration, “all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

We return to the question with which we began: do you prefer a government so powerful that it can take care of your every want or do you prefer one with only limited, well-defined powers designed to ensure your rights (from your Creator) so that you can grow on your own?

The choice is yours.  That’s my view.  What’s yours?  Reach me at
©2012 Hillard W. Welch