Well, that can only mean us! You and me and all the others in between from the time those immortal words were written.
The real question is, what have we done with our
inheritance? How have we managed
it? Have we been faithful to the ideals
and principles embodied in the document our forefathers so carefully crafted?
Or have we squandered our inheritance?
It was Lord Acton who said, “power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Is there anyone who would deny that corruption seems to be a
way of life today? According to the
media (perhaps not those referred to as the “mass media”) our government
fabricates data (latest census figures before the 2012 election), lies to us
with a straight face (“you can keep your health insurance, period!”) and inflation
is only 1% (but, of course, the figures don’t include the basics of life like
food, clothing, gasoline). Those are
perhaps the most recognizable instances.
As the “posterity” now in charge, we must ask ourselves,
“how did we let this happen?” When did
we take our eye off the ball so that we now owe more than our great
grandchildren may ever be able to repay?
How did the US sink from a world leader to an also ran country where our
creditors could destroy us at will?
Not easy questions to answer and there is no intention of
trying to do so here.
Rather let us consider major instances of abandoning or
overriding the Constitution.
A most recognizable starting point is Teddy Roosevelt who took
the lead when he declared he was a “progressive”, believing that he could do
anything not specifically prohibited
by the Constitution. His administration
expanded federal power and activities beyond those authorized.
Another major step without constitutional basis, was the Federal
Reserve Act of 1913. Sold to the public
as a means of controlling the banking trusts and big business, it was anything
but. Numerous steps along the way have
created a fiat currency without any solid backing. Any housewife or mother can tell you that her
dollars are not worth what they once were.
Was this accidental or planned? A
disturbing question.
Next came Woodrow Wilson and his “war to make the world safe
for democracy!” That in itself was a
repudiation of the Founding Fathers.
They abhorred “democracy”, considering it the worst form of government
possible. The word “democracy” does not
appear in either of the founding documents!
Every effort was made in crafting the US government to
prevent the devastation possible when “majority rules”. That is why they sought to create a
government of laws and not of men!
Wilson was followed by FDR, the master socialist with a
patrician heritage. Despite his
programs, the only thing that ended the depression was WW II! While his socialist experiments are with us
today (some are considered good and helpful) we will never know what would have
happened if the federal government had kept ‘hands off’! When governments dictate, freedom of the
individual suffers.
Each step listed has taken us further toward an all powerful central government and
a socialist democracy. Such governments
are invariably overloaded with bureaucracy and unelected individuals who make
the decisions for the average citizen.
Free choice is not a consideration.
Have we wasted our heritage?
One need only recall that the Founders pledged “their lives, their
fortunes and their sacred honor” for us as their posterity.
That’s my view.
What’s yours? Reach me at
“constitutionviews@gmail.com. ©Copyright
2013 Hillard W. Welch