Thursday, June 26, 2014

A right to privacy? Part 2 of 2

In Part 1 we analyzed the background and result of the Supreme Court decision in the case, Griswold vs Connecticut. (1965)  The Supreme Court had “interpreted” rather than “applied” the Constitution.  Through legal mumbo-jumbo they concluded that the “right to privacy” was a “protected right”.  This decision migrated into the “right to an abortion” if a woman so desired. Roe vs Wade.(1973)

This case illustrates the distance the Supreme Court Justices have travelled in order to inflict their opinion (interpretation) of the document on the country.  The “rule of law” had been discarded for the “rule of men”.  While Justice Brennan admitted that the word “privacy” does not exist anywhere in the Constitution, he and others “injected” it by virtue of the “penumbra” they found “emanating” from the Bill of Rights and other Constitutional clauses.  Such an approach raises the question of the “sanctity of a contract”.  Surely any homeowner who has signed a contract with a builder or an auto dealer does not expect to find that the contract provisions have been changed without his knowledge or approval.  Yet, that is essentially what the Supreme Court has done to the Constitution in both the Griswold and the Roe cases.

If one can plough through the tortuous logic of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe vs Wade, one might  conclude that nothing substantive was accomplished.  Certainly there was no further expansion of the concept of a “right to privacy” and even Justice Blackmun had to acknowledge that such words do not appear anywhere in the Constitution itself.  Once again, we have “interpretation” with the concomitant result of personal prejudice being incorporated as a Judicial decision.  This is “legislating from the bench”. 

Two Justices, Byron R. White and William H. Rehnquist wrote dissenting opinions.  Rehnquist stated  that the approvers had to find within the XIVth Amendment a right apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment!  Thus, a distortion of the “due process clause” was introduced in the approval.  White in his opinion stated that he saw “no constitutional warrant for imposing such an order of priorities on the people and legislatures of the States.”  He further criticized the Court for involving itself in this issue which he would have left “with the people and to the political processes the people have devised to govern their affairs.”  This raises the question as to why the Court did not remand the case to the states where it belonged if you follow the IXth and Xth Amendements.  To this must be asked the question of whether one Amendment (B) can override an earlier one (A) and thereby provide a power that would not be authorized under (A).  We have not been able to find any discussion of this inconsistency.

Returning to our basic topic of this and the preceding essay, “privacy”, we must confess that our interpretation would be that the Supreme Court lacked jurisdiction.  Two reasons come to mind: 1st, the word is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.  2nd, the case of Roe v Wade does not appear to be in conformity with Art. III, Sec. 2 which defines the cases the Supreme Court may accept for adjudication.  Since it is between a citizen of Texas and the state of Texas, it does not meet any of the named types of cases in which the Supreme Court might be involved.

Our humble opinion is that “privacy” and any right thereto are inherent in the “laws of nature and of Nature’s God”, the US Supreme Court notwithstanding.  Perhaps we should send copies of the Constitution to the Justices as a reminder.  T
hat’s my opinion; what’s yours?  Reach me at  ©Copyright 2014 Hillard W. Welch