Sunday, August 19, 2012

Words with Meanings

Let’s quote a few from the Declaration of Independence to begin this essay.

“ . . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . . That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Please note the words, “Governments are instituted among men”.   By whom?

That question is answered by the following clause, “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Fairly clear, wouldn’t you say?

Governments are created (instituted) by men and receive their powers from the consent of those intended to be governed by whatever compact is negotiated.   All governments are man made.  They are not natural.  As a result, they must be judged in relation to natural law or existence.

Nothing is said about God granting a government to “certain individuals or groups”.  Nor is any other entity indicated as having the power or right to “institute a government” among men.  Only those who comprise the citizenry of whatever the “union” is can grant the powers to a central authority to govern their actions. More importantly, as noted in that same document, a government was instituted “to secure those rights” which were described as unalienable.

Therefore, if we pursue a logical explanation of government, no group or group of individuals has a right to dictate to the rest of the citizens, who have agreed to the compact, or to perform any functions, services or extract any tributes other than those prescribed by the compact itself.  The government was strictly limited to the terms of the compact.

The Founders never envisaged a government of career politicians or a ruling elite.  They expected citizens elected to or appointed to a government position to serve relatively short terms ( 2 years for Representatives and  6 for Senators) and then return to civilian life and gainful employment of whatever form. 

Man is borne free!  Slavery, in any form, is always an imposed condition, not a natural one, and is most often external in terms of source.  It is extremely doubtful that any individual would willingly submit themselves to a slave status.  Yet, that appears to be what can happen when the citizens, knowingly or unknowingly vote powers above, beyond or outside those originally established in the compact by which the union was created.  By incremental steps, the government becomes all powerful and the citizens become subjects.  History keeps showing us what happens when this occurs and the plight of the citizens residing in such a state.  As Jefferson said early on, “a government powerful enough to give a citizen everything he wants is powerful enough to take everything he has!”

Regardless of how a government comes into being, there is a basic truism, “governments have nothing of their own.  They must first take whatever it is from the citizens (ne subjects!).”  This seems to be forgotten too often in today’s politically correct onslaught as the elected officials continue to spend and spend, tax and tax, elect and elect, exempting themselves from the more onerous conditions of any legislation they pass.

The Founding Fathers sought in every way possible to “preserve, protect and defend” the individual rights of the citizens they represented.  They consequently created a Constitution to restrain and restrict the federal government to only those basic powers considered necessary and appropriate.  Limited government?  Absolutely!  Because the government was founded by the citizens, it must be responsive to them, not responsible for them!

That’s my view.  What’s yours.  Reach me at Hillard W. Welch
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