Saturday, June 22, 2013

Let’s re-read the Constitution

First let’s explain why a “citizen’s view”.  The Constitution was written for all of us, not just the elected officials, all of us.  And that means you and me.  In the preamble it says, “ . . . secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity . . . ”  That’s us.

Therefore, we as ordinary citizens should be able to understand and appreciate what the constitution says, what it allows and what it prohibits.  We don’t need a lawyer, a professor or some appointed official (bureaucrat) to tell us.  We can read it for ourselves and apply it.  In fact, that is exactly what we should be doing and should have been doing all those years when the politicians kept pushing us in the direction they wanted.

Not enough of the citizenry today have read the Constitution and it is doubtful that much of Congress has.  Or at least it is difficult to believe that they have when you read what they vote for and the politics that is played with “pork” and “special interests”, all of which is probably un-constitutional at the outset since it violates one or more of the specific statements in that document.

Too often, a “trade off” is made so that one section of the country gets a favorable project in exchange for something else from another section.  That is not either the intent or the words of the constitution.  The Constitution is a contract that engages all (every citizen and every state) as parties to the agreement.  Thus, any violation of the provisions of that document is unacceptable and should be challenged on the face of it.

Look at the “commerce clause” so often used as justification today for all sorts of activity including health care.  All it actually says is: “The Congress shall have Power . . . To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several sates, and with the Indian Tribes.”  Can anyone show me where it says “regulate commerce between individuals or companies?”  Can anyone tell me where it contains the power to “tax” someone if they don’t comply with a government mandate?

This is why it is so important to read and understand the exact wording as the Founding Fathers presented them.  One only needs to remember that the Founders argued for days over the exact wording so that any possible confusion or misunderstanding would be eliminated.

Taking another part, “Congress shall have the Power . . . to coin Money, regulate the value thereof, . . . etc.“  Nothing is said about allowing an outside private group to perform such functions.  Despite the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, it is still highly questionable that it would withstand a constitutional challenge.  As it now stands, we the people have absolutely no control over our money!  It is all decided for us and when you consider the deterioration of the purchasing value of a dollar since the Federal Reserve came into existence, you can appreciate why the Founding Fathers placed the control in Congress!

There was an underlying concept in the creation of the Constitution.  That concept was that the government was the servant of the people, not the other way around.  Now ask yourself if today you believe that is true or if you are now considered a servant of the government?  After all, almost every day you are told of a new regulation or law with which you must comply or else.  How do you interpret that?

To be continued....

That’s my view.  What’s yours?    Reach me at ©Copyright 2013  Hillard W. Welch