Thursday, May 23, 2013

From citizen to slave . . .

When this nation’s founders created the Constitution, they must have had uppermost in their minds the importance of the individual citizen and the necessity for protecting each and every citizen’s basic (inalienable) rights as defined in the Declaration of Independence (Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness).  “To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among
Men . . . ”

The Founding Fathers carefully worded the document to limit, as much as possible, what the “federal” government had the power to do (17 are listed under Art. I, Sec. 8) and expressly stated a number of actions that the federal government “could not do” (the Bill of Rights or 1st 10 Amendments).  Yes, they were concerned with a government of sufficient power to protect the citizens, declare war if absolutely necessary (even this they made somewhat difficult by requiring a specific Congressional vote in support) and negotiate with foreign nations in the interests of commerce and beneficial relationships.  Entangling alliances were not approved while friendship with all who wished to be friends of the new republic was welcomed.  Freedom from despotic rule was the purpose of their Revolution.

Congress was to be composed of citizen legislators in the House elected for only 2 years at a stretch.  Those elected were expected to serve only one or two terms after which they would  return to their previous occupation or avocation.  The Founders hoped this would make the House more responsive to the conditions and situations the average citizen faced. 

The Senate, elected by the various state legislatures, would serve to protect the sovereignty of the individual states and provide a check on an overly aggressive federal government.  It should be remembered that each state was considered a “nation” unto itself and thus the decision for a “federal” rather than a national government.  As Amendments IX and X state, if the Constitution does not grant a power to the federal government, it is retained by the state(s) or the people themselves.  Such restraint appears unknown by today’s federal government.

So what has happened in the intervening decades?

The “free” citizen now works, on average, 1/3rd or more of the year for the federal government, whether he/she wants to or not!  And, that is only part of the load to which the citizen has become subjected.  Consider the fact that there is no true count of the number of laws that have been passed during the 226 years since the Constitution was ratified by the states.  We know it is

in the thousands. It has also been stated that no citizen is genuinely safe from violating one or more of them since they have become so complicated, intertwined and pervasive to the point where no one fully understands them.  The average citizen violates some law almost every day. 

In making this statement, you need to remember that, even though they may be unconstitutional, (they have never been challenged in court) many of the departments and agencies of the federal government issue rules and/or regulations that dictate what you may do and the consequences for failure to comply can result in a fine or imprisonment or both.  Because of the way the government operates, such rules and regulations as issued by the departments and agencies of the federal government take on the “force of law”.  Compliance is not voluntary and ignorance is no excuse for not abiding by whatever the “law” is.

The Founding Fathers made a profound choice.  Will the modern generation display the same dedication to freedom?  That’s up to you.

That’s my view.  What’s yours?  Reach me at
©Copyright 2013  Hillard W.Welch