Sunday, March 18, 2012

Have we got it backwards? (Part 2 of 2)

Note: To a man, the Founding Fathers spoke of a “limited government.”  From the ratification of the Constitution until about 1913, the original concept remained in place and was more or less adhered to by each succeeding administration.

Last month, we examined these origins.  Here in Part II we will review some examples of the more egregious usurpations of power and the branch of government responsible.  Your view is important.
In the judicial area, we have had Supreme Court Justices “incorporate” words and meanings never found in the original document (Justice Black and the separation of church and state).  They have even overridden the protection of private property (Amendment V) in the Kelo vs New London, CT. case. 
In the Congressional area, legislators have seen fit to ignore the requirement that only Congress can declare war, yet we send our soldiers to foreign lands to fight and die.  Ever since that Income Tax Amendment was passed, congress appears to have believed the check-book was open and could be used for any purpose so long as they called it “general welfare”.  As Madison pointed out in his writings in support of the constitution, those words related to the 17 specific activities authorized, nothing more, since they constituted the “general welfare” of the entire nation.

In the Executive branch, the powers usurped are without limit.  Irrespective of whether the words existed in the Constitution, one or more presidents have seen fit to establish departments and agencies whose edicts take on the force or law.  Nowhere in the document is the federal government authorized to be involved in the personal health of a citizen.  Nor is there authorization for a Department of Education. 

An area to be questioned is foreign aid.  We scratch our heads trying to find the words in the document.  Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson said our foreign policy should be to promote commerce and friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. As we look at our Foreign Aid, there is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the Congress to appropriate money by taxing the citizens and then giving that money to foreign governments to support whatever they desire.  A look at the recipients causes more head scratching.  Almost all recipients consistently vote against the interests of the United States.  Seems backward if we are concerned with our own country’s welfare.  The Founders knowledge of history told them that money never brought strong relationships.  Only strong character and honest dealings between the participants can produce solid friendships. 

Another question.  The use of our tax dollars when we read reports that those citizens who are actually paying them (it is reported that almost half the population pay no income taxes at all) are literally supporting the other half of the population who enjoy their “entitlements” in the form of food stamps and subsidized housing, education and medical care, none of which are mentioned in the Constitution. 
Lost in translation.  The Founding Fathers apparently accepted as part and parcel of the American character that each individual would be responsible for his own well being and that of his family.  Self government required self-control and responsibility on the part of each individual citizen.  Citizens were not expected to look to government to take care of them. The Founders probably had in mind the debacle of Rome with its bread and circuses.

It was Thomas Jefferson who said, “that government is best which governs least.”  Yet he expected government to secure the fundamental rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” (Declaration of Independence.)  The government was to stay out of the way so the individual citizens could achieve maximum success in whatever endeavor they undertook applying their talents and abilities. How do we square that with the myriad of regulations impacting every business every day, restricting action, requiring massive non-productive documentation and costing untold sums of money in compliance?

As we look at today’s government in operation, how close is it to what we were promised by the Founders?   Or, do we have it backwards?   That’s a serious question.  

 I know my view.  What’s yours?  Reach me at  ©Copyright 2012 Hillard W. Welch

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