Monday, December 29, 2014

Learning to read

As children we were probably taught first to recognize symbols or pictographs followed by giving them a name.  The next step was memorizing the connection between the picture and its name.  We undoubtedly mimicked what our mother told us and tried to duplicate the sounds provided.

We then progressed to phonics, recognizing sounds which when connected resulted in our learning actual words.

Wonderful!  What an achievement.  Too bad we have lost it all as we became adults or at least elected officials.

Our elected officials have either forgotten what they were taught or have decided to ignore it completely.  Example: how many elected officials abide by their “oath of office” or can relate to that part of the constitution under which they supposedly sponsored or voted for a particular act?

Don’t hold your breath.

Which brings us to the point of this article.  Perhaps we should require remedial reading for all elected officials to be sure they understand the significance of the job on which they are about to enter.  Not only do they appear not to recognize the words as written, but more importantly, to ignore them as if they never existed.

The Founding Fathers didn’t write them down to be ignored – but understood and followed!

The entire Constitution contains only 4400 words.  Yet in simple readily understandable language for even an 8th grader, it established a limited government to serve and protect the rights of the individual citizens.  Contrast that with the present legislative approach when almost every Act contains more than 13,000 words and encroaches on the freedoms of the average citizen.

It is more than a case of not being able to read.  It is willful misunderstanding, misapplication or outright distortion.  We have developed a culture of “corruption” in which the common mantra is “if you can get away with it, it’s OK!”  The Constitution uses the word “regulate” and yet when viewed in the original context, it means “referee” -  requiring that all participants play by the rules!  It has been reduced to meaning only “control”.

Words do have meaning and the Founders chose theirs carefully.  The Constitution has been considered a “negative” document because it “limits” the powers of the federal government while reserving to the states or the people (Amendments IX and X) any unenumerated powers or rights.  In fact, a cursory review of the documents reveals the use of “No” or “Not” a total of 86 times.  That’s more than any other word.

Wouldn’t you think that even the least educated of our elected officials could understand the word, “NO”?

The obvious avoidance or outright disregard for the provisions of the Constitution must tell you something about the character and integrity of the individuals who seek public office.  Is it personal greed or a desire for power?  Neither of these appear to have been present among the Founders who created the Constitution.  Their governing philosophy appears to have been that of the Golden Rule.  Consider if you will the concept that if the Founders wrote a document that would treat all individuals fairly and justly, how could they themselves loose?  No way since the document applied to all.

Their firmness in a limited government speaks volumes with respect to their understanding of human nature and the frailness of human stature.   They knew the meaning of each word.  Why can’t our modern elected officials strive for the same?  Reading the document is critical.  Reading the actual words is paramount to understanding!

That’s my view.  What’s yours?  Reach me at  ©Copyright 2014 Hillard W. Welch

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